Monday, September 24, 2012

We Have Honey!


We actually have some honey!

We have very little honey in fact, and all of that from Harry, but it will be nice to have a small harvest!  I checked the other two hives and there isn't much to recover from them.   The bees in Dick have drawn out most of the comb in the honey super, but they don't have any surplus honey.  This is still positive (except for over winter feeding), because we'll have two honey supers full of drawn comb ready for next season (from Dick and Harry).  It takes a lot of bee energy and nectar to draw out comb.

Here is an interesting and recent article about Colony Collapse Disorder and its potential impact on our food supply.  I highly recommend eating food that is organically grown as much as is humanly possible.  Society has only just begun to discover the long term impact of inorganic farming practices on our bodies and the environment.|main5|dl12|sec1_lnk2%26pLid%3D207396/?ncid=txtlnkusaolp00000058?test=latestnews

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