Thursday, April 4, 2013

Spring is here! It's time to do some planting.

Spring is here.  And it's time to plant some fruit trees.  Two years ago I drowned the saplings.  Last year the drought got them.  Maybe "third time's the charm."  If only we lived on the farm, taking care of the place would be a lot easier.

I checked the nursery for Mont Morency cherries and Elberta peaches.  They have both.  We love picking and making jam out of Mont Morencies.  Homemade jam from fresh sour cherries is absolutely amazing.  We have a single Elberta that survived both the drownings and the drought, so I think I'll plant another.  I also made arrangements to purchase 10 Vitex.  I have heard that Vitex is also called Texas Lilac.  Anyway, since Saturday is set construction day, planting day will be tomorrow and I'm taking the day off to git-r-done.

I should really plant some blackberries too!  I'll check with the nursery.

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