I got tired of fighting the weeds and overhanging branches during my inspections and decided to do something about it. We installed a 10'x6' weed barrier mat, covered it with cedar mulch, and moved the colonies onto the mat. In the process we brought the colonies away from the hedge apple trees and out of the weeds. This will allow me to mow both sides of the hives without disturbing the colonies too much. I am pretty sure they'll appreciate the consideration. I will also be able to trim the trees a little without dropping branches onto the hives.
Once we installed the barrier and mulch where we wanted it I moved the colonies a couple of feet each week or so until they were in position. Below are some pictures of the process. By only moving them a couple of feet at a time the field bees don't remain confused for very long about where their colony went. They quickly re-orient to their new home-site.
From left to right the hives are named "McFadden", "Tom", and "Nuc". Tom is the original hive I installed in the spring of 2011 and they have a new queen this spring. McFadden is a hive I purchased from a good friend last fall and Nuc is a split I made this spring from the McFadden colony. Some of my previous posts talk more about the bees travails this last winter and spring.
Looks great!