Monday, September 16, 2013

The Honey Harvest is Upon Us!

My beekeeping friend and I collected the honey from our beehives last Saturday.   It took quite a while to do the job because we bumped and brushed bees.  Next time we'll probably use bee escapes. The honey supers are on my dining room table right now in large plastic bags for their protection.   We scheduled the extraction for this saturday.  Last night Ramona and I weighed the honey and estimate the harvest to be about 120lbs from three hives.  Two of the colonies produced 50lbs each.  Not bad for a crazy Kansas summer!   The other 4 colonies have been in build up mode all summer due to their late start this summer (we did collect 20lbs from one of them).

Our focus now will be to help each of the 6 colonies start the spring build up in 2014 with a strong nucleus.

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