March 8, 2013
We harvested a little over 41 lbs of honey from 73 lbs gross weight (supers, wax and honey). We are very happy with the harvest. But what a sticky mess! I was up to my elbows in honey. Anyway, what follows is a pictorial history of the process.
Jars and lids are clean and ready to go. |
The cats are in prison. |
Extractor, supers, scraper, and tray are ready. |
De-capping with the knife. |
Loading the centrifuge. |
The harvest (some jars were already given away). |
Recognizing that Ramona and I put in 5 full days between us to scour the house, prepare the processing area and process the honey, I decided that I really only want to extract once a year (if possible). However, I have a plan to collect as much clover honey as possible this summer and if we end up with as much fall honey as we did in 2012 we'll have two extraction cycles. I am particularly fond of clover honey.
Looks great!